NUTRITION 101 Free Homeschool Unit Study
NUTRITION 101**we have an additional textbook for the digestive system we are using. You can locate chapters from classroom texts online. I have found the following useful: Visual Lessons Digestive System textbook reading : Digestive and Urniary Systems
in order to receive high school credit I wanted to make sure my students covered and comprehend the material: Summary Outline of Chapter on Digestion | Chemical digestion visuals | Here is my assignment and grade sheet for my high school student based on this six unit study. ![]() DIGESTIVE SYSTEM:
_____________________________________ Lesson One: The Digestive System Part 1: Parts of the Digestive System YOUR TEXT: The Structure and Function of the Digestive System WATCH: Health Digestive System 101 Digestive System Lecture (clear 50 second video of path of food from the lecture) *cartoon (optional) INTERACT: Interactive digestive system alternate: pdf file Digestive system lab READ: Digestive System article WATCH: or powerpoint WRITE: choose either an outline or notebook pages to describe a general summary of the digestive system Use these great notebooking pages to record your lessons (to turn in for credit) Or use these files and type up your notes for credit. Part 2: Food Absorption (Chemical Digestion)
HLC/Enzymes Quick Animation of Enzymes Enzymes: Bozman Science (from AP bio) Watch: * Raw Food Enzymes Watch: Enzymes and Digestion Read: Digestive System article - picture laden with descriptions Read/Write: complete page 32 putting digestion / food absorption in the right order LISTEN: Enzymes Song * listen just because this guy is creative! ____________________ Probiotics WATCH/Take Notes: Probiotics Probiotics (portion of the lecture) **please note that the 'breastfed baby as smarter and less allergies isn't always the case. Our family the youngest born at home, nursed until 3 and had no vaccines has the biggest issues with allergens Research pasteurization (who developed it and why) and then have the students debate the pros and cons. FEBRUARY![]() Lesson Two: Vitamins and Minerals
USE these note booking pages to write your notes/answers WATCH: Vitamins and Minerals Answer these questions:
Make a rainbow chart and tell each health benefit (either draw or cut out from magazines) _________________ WATCH: How Antioxidant Works Antioxidants in foods WRITE: Label the benefits of different foods _____________________ |
Nutrition is an ideal homeschooling unit study. This six to nine week study was designed for the 10 – 14 year olds in our family. It would be ideal for your homeschool co-op. We start by learning basic biology / anatomy the digestive system. Then we explore WHAT we put in our bodies and how it effects our health. The kids will then explore farming and the movement towards local foods.
Enjoy this multimedia hands on unit study. Summary Outline of Chapter on Digestion
topics to make sure are covered Multi Media Resources:
Discovery Education about fertilizers. Free resources for educators at their website: NOURISH
Youtube Channel A movement towards organic... Food Revolution. Where did this come from? And that begins the telling of the story...Nourish Hands On and Lab Activities |
Lesson Three: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats
WATCH: Proteins - from Bozeman Science
Watch: nutrition labels ChemMatters
WATCH interact: Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates (Bozeman Science)
Watch Fats
Add this to your notes:
Good fats: seeds, olives, olive oil, coconut oil, cold- water fish, nuts – walnuts, almonds.
Okay fats: (eaten in moderation) avocados, butter, meats,eggs.
Fats to avoid: Trans fats mostly present in processed baked foods – cookies and crackers
WATCH: Proteins - from Bozeman Science
Watch: nutrition labels ChemMatters
WATCH interact: Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates (Bozeman Science)
Watch Fats
Add this to your notes:
Good fats: seeds, olives, olive oil, coconut oil, cold- water fish, nuts – walnuts, almonds.
Okay fats: (eaten in moderation) avocados, butter, meats,eggs.
Fats to avoid: Trans fats mostly present in processed baked foods – cookies and crackers
PART 2 coming soon.
Where we get our food?
Nourish Curriculum
Life: Choice, Control & Change
Resources for Nutrition, Carreers in Food...
Nourish Curriculum
Life: Choice, Control & Change
Resources for Nutrition, Carreers in Food...
Human Body Detectives
We are using Human Body Detectives are our base curriculum
These are the extra interactive resources.
Get Your Nutrition 101 Curriculum:
Get Your Teen Health Basics 101 Curriculum:Get the HBD Teen Health Basics 101 Curriculum = HBDTEENHEALTHBASICS
We are using Human Body Detectives are our base curriculum
These are the extra interactive resources.
Get Your Nutrition 101 Curriculum:
- HBD Nutrition 101 Curriculum HBDNUTRITION101
Get Your Teen Health Basics 101 Curriculum:Get the HBD Teen Health Basics 101 Curriculum = HBDTEENHEALTHBASICS
Day 66 L*
- Read this chapter.
- *Print out pages 315-317 (pages 13-15 of the pdf).
- Complete page 315 today.
- When you are done, you can check your answers on page 344.
- Read about Mendel and the Foundation of Genetics.
- Answer the review questions.
- Read pages 347 and 348 and do the experiment.
- Fill in an experiment worksheet.
- Complete this lesson on genetics and Punnett Squares.
- Look again at this chapter. Use the information to complete pages 316 and 317.
- When you are done, you can check your answers on page 344.
- Read about genetic advances and answer the questions.