Our Weekly Lesson PlansWe will formally do science twice a week, introducing new topics and subjects. I expect the kids will be creating, imagining and continuing their exploration of 'space' in their free time. We will be using Super Charged Science as our base for activities curriculum. We purchased her program and have been thrilled with the ease of use.
These are the actual lesson plans I am using for my 7 kids ages 3rd grade to 10th grade. You will see them modified as we move through these studies from September 2014 - December 2014. We believe in a 7 day literal creation. The majority of our resources will reflect that scientific view. On occasion - there will be a mention of billions of years in a passing sentence. I ask my children to be aware and listen for it. Being that my youngest are third grade they are being introduced to the evolutionary theory that their counterparts are being taught. Week 1: INTRO Watch 2 videos that show the beauty and vastness of space. Introduce terms informally.
*Talk about what they know and want to know. After the video discuss what was the most interesting. Video 1: Super Charged Science video 2: Journey Through Space Activity: create scale model of Solar System and Planets distance (see Astronomy) Week 2: ASTRONOMERS (focused on ancient astronomers/history of astronomy) Overview of Individual Astronomers Astronomers to remember:
Video: All About Telescopes Notebook Activity: Create Notebooking pages for
Week 3: Earth's Rotation, Seasons & Our Calendar Video: Earth's Rotation and Seasons Watch: student created video on Seasons and Tides Notebook Activity:
**Assessment for this Unit (to add to portfolio) Week 4 & Week 5: The SUN and Solar Power, Solar Eclipse Introduction Videos: All about the Sun (from NASA) and Secrets of a Dynamic Sun (middle/high school) The Story Bots (preschool/kinder)
Solar Power: Animated (Solar Power) SchoolHouse Rocks Energy - for nostalgia sake Clip from Martha Speaks Solar Power GoCart SOLAR POWER PIZZA BOX Unit review worksheets to add to portfolio possibly? Aztec Sun Dial - art project Lapbook Sun, Earth, Planets Worksheet /Quiz to add to portfolio (or notebook) Solar Eclipse / Lunar Eclipse
Week 6: The Solar System Overview How Big are the Planets? create your own scale model: Sun-any ball, diameter 8.00 inches Mercury-a pinhead, diameter 0.03 inch Venus-a peppercorn, diameter 0.08 inch Earth-a second peppercorn Mars-a second pinhead Jupiter-a chestnut or a pecan, diameter 0.90 inch Saturn-a hazelnut or an acorn, diameter 0.70 inch Uranus-a peanut or coffeebean, diameter 0.30 inch Neptune-a second peanut or coffeebean Pluto- a third pinhead (or smaller, since Pluto is the smallest planet) taken from : NOAO is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc. under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. find out more: 100 Interesting facts about the solar system. We wrote our top 5 most interesting facts in our interactive notebooks. NASA Planets Anything on NASA’s website is informative and makes an excellent read. If your kids are really into studying astronomy I highly recommend taking a few days just to look around. However, this particular page, has great pictures and concise information about the planets. Cards for graphic organizers, or lapbook pieces: Planets Week 7: Mercury and Venus
Easy to read article on Mercury from Homeschool Views additional reading for older kids includes Einstein and Newton Easy to read article on Venus from Homeschool Views or from instant worksheets additional reading for older students A Student's Guide to Traveling the Solar System NOTEBOOKING RESOURCES: (for recording information learned) Our Planets Lapbook - from teacherspayteachers Homeschool Share Lapbook - Planets Space Printables for younger kids from the Solar System printable pack to use as decoration for notebooking cover Notebooking pages: scroll to the bottom of the page for Astronomy Notebooking pages. I had to save the image and print that way. Printed 2 per page - Homeschool Helper Week 8: Inner Planets Chapter from Glencoe Astronomy Book. (this does mention how evoultionist describe the formation of the universe. Its one page easily skipped..or look at it as a point of study.) - 2007 edition prior to common core Video Summary for Inner Planets: Inner Planets Part 1 Recommended website: Creation Adventure Family Recommended Video: Creation Astronomy with Dr. Lisle MARS: Inner Planets Part 2 Week 9: Outer Planets Chapter from Earth Science high school text teacher edition (not sure copyright) VIDEO for Outer Planets Outer planets study guide and reading Week 10: Forces Gravity, Inertia, Newton reading: Prentice Hall Science Explorer (preCommon Core) astronomy module ![]() Week 11: Asteroids, Comets and Meteors
video recap of the difference
Week 12: Our Moon STUDY JAMS: pictures of Moon and phases MOON Activities Moon Rap - youtube video Moon phases die PRINTABLES: Moon phases - flip book Moon Phase Viewer Moon Phase Info Phases of the Moon Printable Activity Connect to the Moon Moon Phases Animation Size of Earth, Moon, and Sun – Lesson Plan ABC Moon Book.pdf Label Phases of Moon Printable (Photos) Lunar Globe Moon Lapbook Components FlipBook on Moon Phases from Deceptively Educational ACTIVITIES: Oreo Moon Phases AUDIOs Audio “Course” on the moon’s phases WEEK 13: Space exploration Rockets Reading watch Robert Goddard the Father of Modern Rocketry Create Rocket Balloons and launch them on a string tied across the largest room. Modify the rockets with wings, tips and other amendments discuss the changes in speed and rotation of the balloon Stars and Galexies |
MULTI MEDIA: audio, video, experiments and hands on resourcesFollow me on Pinterest. Between me and the kids we have 3000 links to quality resources for creative home schooling!
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Astronomers study celestial objects (stars, planets, moon, asteroids, comets, galaxies, etc) that exist outside our planet's atmosphere. Its the one field that combines most science, engineering and technology areas in one fell swoop. Astronomy is also one of the oldest sciences on the planet. This topic is presented in a non-evolution, non-creation way so all families may participate.The videos give you step-by-step instructions for doing each experiment. **this is an affiliate link for a company that I am using for my own children's studies and have since 2012. I HIGHLY recommend her products to anyone who will listen to me! ENJOY this QUALITY FREE RESOURCE! FREE HOME SCHOOL LESSONS Review Crew
Lapbook: A lapbook is simply a file folder that contains a variety of "mini books," foldables, and other material that cover detailed information about the lapbook's central topic.
Notebook:A homeschooling activity where (usually older) homeschoolers catalog what they are learning in writing and pictures and inserting them into binders.
TEXTBOOKS ONLINE **these are online partial editions of textbooks generated PRIOR to Common Core. (they were published by companies that are now aligned with common core) I have to use them as a base for my high schooler to receive credit for our course work. Glencoe Astronomy Book (2007) Chapter 1 - 2 Glencoe Astronomy Module (2005) 185 Pages. Interactive Notebooking is often used in public school settings and is a combination of these two forms of recorded learning. We use the interactive notebooking because my children would rather be experimenting with the materials than recording information. I often use a lapbook piece and require that they record basic information then glue it into their notebook. I use photos and videos as additional learning records.
Teaching Resources
Lesson Plans and Educator Guides
Lesson Plans and Educator Guides
- Amazing Space: a variety of interactive and teaching resources
- Magic School Bus : LOST IN SPACE teaching resources
- 1st Grade Lesson Plans (9 lessons) complete unit study Written by 2 First Grade teachers in Elizabeth Colorado, this Solar System lesson plan contains almost everything needed to teach your child in 9 easy lessons!
- High School resources for Astronomy