This is my assignment sheet for my World War 2 Unit study for 5th, 6th graders who love history and 8th grader (who dispises history) and their first exposure to World War 2. Its geared towards the lower levels of learning and is an introducutory unit study.
Some of the materials include items I have purchased. Some materials are items on hand. Most of the resources will have online alternatives.
This is an example of how I structure a unit study in my own one room school house setting. I have younger students 3rd graders who participate in some but not all the activities. I will talk through each of the lesson with them and answer any questions and explore any rabbit trails they bring up.
Some of the materials include items I have purchased. Some materials are items on hand. Most of the resources will have online alternatives.
This is an example of how I structure a unit study in my own one room school house setting. I have younger students 3rd graders who participate in some but not all the activities. I will talk through each of the lesson with them and answer any questions and explore any rabbit trails they bring up.
![]() Lesson 1 Introduction to World War 2
In the 1930s, the rise of dictators and their military aggression led to World War II. WATCH: Review/Intro to World War 2 READ: Abeka Chapter 13 (World War 2) or read online RISE OF THE DICTATORS WW2 Interactive: Read and answer these questions BBC World War 2 WRITE: What was WW2, Who was Involved, How long did it last, How did it end Write your answers in your History Journal Lesson 2 Watch and take Notes Types of Government Write: Define Monarchy, Oligarchy, Democracy and Anarchy or complete the WHO RULES worksheet Watch: How to Implant a dictaorship Watch: Communism/ Fascism Definet he difference between commun ism and Fascism Lesson 3 The Rise of Hitler Watch parts 1 -3 SEEDS of WAR part 1, part 2, part 3 Rise of Dictators Pop Up - Watch the Powerpoint that goes along with the worksheet complete 2 - 3 Dictators Lesson 4 Rise of Mussolini Watch the Rise of Mussolini Complete the rest of the Pop Up Dictators *decode to complete this worksheet about Mussolini Lesson 5 Rise of Stalin part 1 Watch: Rise of Stalin Russian Civil War Read: Stalin Readings Read articles 1 -3 Stalin - Lenin 10 Facts Lesson 6 Rise of Stalin part 2 Stalin finish reading Stalin articles 4 - 7 Write/Discuss: How many people did Stalin kill while he was a leader? Is that More or Less than Hitler? Was Stalin a "good guy or bad guy?" American and Great Britian were partners with him during World War 2. Why do you think that Hitler was a greater threat than Russia? Watch the Playlist of the Leaders (complete 2 figures for your map) Lesson 7 Watch: Summary of Events of WW2 Timeline Activities Fill in your time line (Homeschool in the Woods Time Travelers World War 2) World War 2 Notebooking lesson 8 Watch: Everyday Map of World War 2 europe World War 2 Map Activities
**Homeschool in the Woods Time Travelers World War 2 would fit nicely here. Sample Lesson Battle of Britian will be the deciding factor. link to their site Lesson 9 Battle of Britain
Lesson 10 Blitz - Bombing of London
Lesson 12
Japan's Expansion War on China Watch Parts 1 - 3 part 1 part 2 part 3 More: Japan aggressor Lesson 13 Pearl Harbor Watch: Attack on Pearl Harbor and actual speech by President Watch: (at least the first 23 minutes of Pearl Harbor & watch Pearl Harbor 2 minute documentary Read: Pearl Harbor and answer questions. printable Lesson 14 Japanese Interment Camp Read about Behind Barb Wire Watch: Japanese Interment Camp Watch: He was there. Primary Source: Video from Topaz Utah Interment Camp. Pictures of housing, the classroom from a high school teacher who lived there for several years. Write: Think and respond. Some Japanese Americans call the Interment Camps "Concentration Camps". Is this an accurate description? Create a chart or venn diagram (printable bubble map) that Compare and Contrasts what you know about the Nazi Concentration Camps aka Death Camps and the American Interment Camp. Think about work, education, resources, housing... Lesson 15 War In Africa Watch: Battles in Africa (2 minute video) Watch: Air War in East Africa Read: War in Africa from UK website Lesson 16 War in the PACIFIC watch everyday of the War in the Pacific watch Lego War in the Pacific_ and if you want watch the second installment from Lego War in the Pacific read: Pages 635 - 637 Driving the Japanese Back / Island Hopping Lesson 17 On the HomeFront Watch: When Work is Done | Victory Gardens **if you are interested BBC Victory Garden Countryside at War Women at Work
Lesson 18 The Bulge Read Battle of the Bulge Watch: Battle of the Bulge 1944 listen to All Things Consider Write Lesson 19 VE Day Read BBC WW2 People's War Watch Ve Celebrations | VE celebrations Paris Write The IMportant Dates and what they mean in your history journal Media ont he Homefront FDR Fireside Chats Lesson 20 Iwo Jima and the Atomic Bomb Mapwork Lesson 21 United Nations |
My Resources for our World War 2 Unit Study
Teachers pay Teachers: LOVED this interactive. Rise of Dictators Pop Up - kids learned the faces and names and locations of the dictators. Well worth the $5. I will use it again for the younger kids.
Rise of Dictators Worksheets:
Rise of the Dictators (includes vocabulary, articles and reading comprehension questions for all dictators)
Primary Source Activity: Growing Up in Stalin’s Russia
Practical Pages Unit Study World War 2
An excellent resource of notebooking, links and unit study resources
Rise of Dictators Worksheets:
Rise of the Dictators (includes vocabulary, articles and reading comprehension questions for all dictators)
Primary Source Activity: Growing Up in Stalin’s Russia
Practical Pages Unit Study World War 2
An excellent resource of notebooking, links and unit study resources
Youtube Playlist
Watch the Playlist of the Leaders (complete 2 figures for your map)
Graphics, Flashcards, Notebooking Pages
Watch these videos on the fight between America and Japan. Video One Video Two
- Watch this video on the fight between America and Japan.
- Find where this fighting is occurring on your map.
- Do this activity (interactive map)
- Read this timeline of America’s fight with Japan. (You can click on the pictures.)
- This is one of the most famous images of the war.
Lesson 14 Technology in War
WATCH: Technology
- Read about the top ten technologies of the war. (Click on top ten list, then the starred top ten list and then on the different choices in the poll to read about them. Vote.)
- Write about what you think are the two most important. Describe them and tell why.
- Read about the Navajo code talkers.
- Send a coded message.
- Why were the code talkers so important? What was different about their “code” compared to the one in the online activity? (answer: It couldn’t be cracked.)
Lesson 16
- Read about the Geneva Convention.
- Read about prisoners of war in Japan.
- Print out this World War II worksheet and fill in number one.
- Watch this animation on the Battle of Dunkirk when France fell to Germany.
- You can also read about Dunkirk.

Free History Educational Materials
More than just Free Outlines, PowerPoints, Lesson Plans, Worksheets, Maps, and More for World History. These lessons are designed to get your kids EXCITED about how history impacts their lives today. Primary sources, history trivia, multi media and hands on crafts and activities take history from a dry text book to a living part of their lives.
Most of these lessons were gathered and used successfully in a group setting (home school co-op) with kids ages 8 - 13. Additional older middle school and high school resources were used with students as part of their independent study program.
Every attempt has been made to create a learning environment that is COMMON CORE FREE!* This means that these resources (created by talented teachers from 2000 to 2010) will no longer be used in public school settings. These free home school lessons are now considered greater treasures to impart knowledge that might otherwise be lost in a maze of federal mandates and testing requirements.
more about the common core history standards as written by David Coleman. Haven't heard of him/them - check out this article.
More than just Free Outlines, PowerPoints, Lesson Plans, Worksheets, Maps, and More for World History. These lessons are designed to get your kids EXCITED about how history impacts their lives today. Primary sources, history trivia, multi media and hands on crafts and activities take history from a dry text book to a living part of their lives.
Most of these lessons were gathered and used successfully in a group setting (home school co-op) with kids ages 8 - 13. Additional older middle school and high school resources were used with students as part of their independent study program.
Every attempt has been made to create a learning environment that is COMMON CORE FREE!* This means that these resources (created by talented teachers from 2000 to 2010) will no longer be used in public school settings. These free home school lessons are now considered greater treasures to impart knowledge that might otherwise be lost in a maze of federal mandates and testing requirements.
more about the common core history standards as written by David Coleman. Haven't heard of him/them - check out this article.
Free Home School Curriculum Lessons
American History | World History | Modern History |
AMERICAN HISTORYColonial Times American Revolution Slavery in America Early American Native Nations / Native Americans Constitution and Bill of Rights 1st Five Presidents Westward Expansion | Pioneers Civil War 1900's Early American History MODERN HISTORY
coming 2014/2015 school year - Ancients
MODERN HISTORY![]() MODERN HISTORY not yet complete...Between the Wars and WORLD WAR 2 World history activities, lesson plans, educational worksheets & games, hands on crafts and activities. These lessons cover the late modern period after the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. Contemporary history is the span of historic events that are immediately relevant to the present time. The modern era began approximately in the 16th century. Beautiful Pinterest Boards Modern History Ellis Island Inventors World War 1 & 2 biographies Fashion through the Ages World War 1 |
This site is designed by a home schooling mom of many as an effort to gather great resources gleaned from other home educators. The recommended and affiliate links products I use in my own school setting. Google ads are chosen at random based on your own browsing and are used to support the hosting of this site.