Unit 2 : Industrial revolution Unit Study
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the 1700’s, when machines were first used To produce items that had previously been made by hand. The Industrial Revolution was not a A war fought with soldiers or guns, but it changed society and the individual’s role in society as As completely as any war ever could. *Teaching Resources (to refresh your mind and draw students into the topic)
FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF OUR DAILY ACTIVITIES Visit Our daily lessons of the Industrial Revolution This unit includes studies on the following: Industrial Revolution Inventions/Inventors - notebooking pages and resources Child Labor - see daily lessons week 2 Biographical Studies George Mueller Watt and Fulton - see daily lessons Week 1 day 1 Florence Nightengale (Authors and artists of the time) Mark Twain Charles Dickens Frank Lloyd Wright Geographical Studies England (during the Age of Industrialization emphasis on a child's life) South America This is FAR from an exhaustive list! Please feel free to contact me to add your lap book, worksheets, lesson plans and unit studies in this era. |
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Week 3
Week 3